Wednesday 6 July 2011

RSS Feeds

ALIA, 2011, ALIAnet newsfeeds(RSS), viewed 7th July, 2011

ALIA (Australian Library and Information Association) is the professional organisation for the Australian library and informtion services sector. Membership is open to all individuals and organisations with the only requirement being an interest in the sector.
I have choosen the RSS link to ALIA's ALIAnet LIS vacancies list. This provides a listing of the 10 most recent LIS job vacancies in Australia.
As this is part of our assignment for our Monday class, I feel it will save me time rather than visiting the site itself.

My views on RSS
This was entirely new to me and after completing the class I can really see how useful and time saving it can be. We are all busy and know how easy it is when we are looking for information online to get sidetracked by something unrelated that catches your eye, and before you know it, time has flown by and you have done nothing really.
With RSS you can select what you really want /need to know and have an update on your Googlereader page every time you log in - no more searching every webpage that you need information from regularly.

In a work situation  this is a more professional way of obtaining information, rather than to be seen "as always being online". It's almost like checking your diary - a quick browse and you know if there is something useful you might need that day.

Libraries can really use this to interact with clients - clients can select which RSS information feeds they want. (e.g. parents can subscribe to childrens feed giving activities, events, new books, etc that's available)
Libraries can have a regular news update page, so that clients can check information in their own time.

Library staff themselves can select RSS feeds which are of interest to them - they can keep in touch with others in their field as well as use it to keep up to date with new technologies and developments which are relevant to them. Quck, easy and cheap way of staying in touch with all things library related - essential in a time of budget cuts and limited resources in Tasmania.


  1. Great to hear you learnt something new and useful. I love days like that.

  2. A very thoughtful contribution to discussion about RSS, Sharon. Thank you

  3. Very good, and great for monday's class too.

  4. It was good to read your posting and after reading it I clicked on your RSS feed link and was able to quickly check out the more recent ALIA listed vacancies. This is a very useful feed and as Leonie commented a thoughtful contribution about discussion on RSS feeds. I had better check my postings, mine have been extremely brief perhaps too brief.
